About Transport Service Providers
Transport Service is a variety of transport facilities used to carry people or cargo. Vehicles can include wagons, automobiles, auto-rickshaws, buses, cars and taxis, trucks, e-rickshaws and tempo-loaders.
Transport service providers skill
- Knowledge of transport methods, costs and benefits
- Maths knowledge
- Knowledge of engineering, science and technology
- Design skills and knowledge
- Analytical thinking skills
- Ability to work well with others
- Complex problem-solving skills
- Good attention to detail.
- Creating progress reports to justify intermediate payments
What does a transport service providers do?
- Making sure vehicles are properly maintained
- Inspecting vehicles
- Arranging repairs and routine maintenance
- Ensuring that all drivers and operators have the correct, up to date qualifications
- Reducing the risk of vehicle overloading
- Maintaining and completing accurate records
- Keeping schedules and organising team members.
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